Via Dei, le chemin de Dieu

«Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi.»
Jean 14:6
1 For the choir director; on a stringed instrument. [A Psalm] of David. Hear my cry, O God; Give heed to my prayer.

2 From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 3 For You have been a refuge for me, A tower of strength against the enemy. 4 Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah.

5 For You have heard my vows, O God; You have given [me] the inheritance of those who fear Your name.

6 You will prolong the king's life; His years will be as many generations. 7 He will abide before God forever; Appoint lovingkindness and truth that they may preserve him.

8 So I will sing praise to Your name forever, That I may pay my vows day by day.

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